El plan de nacimiento para Almudenita
Bueno, esto es America, asi que hay que decir al personal del hospital (como buen consumidor) lo que quieres, es decir, cual quieres que sea tu "experiencia de dar a luz". Asi que hemos escrito nuestro "plan de nacimiento" para Nita. Lo pongo tal cual (sin traducir), aunque estoy segura que los interesados lo entendereis. Cuando me aburro lo escribo en espanol.
Birth Plan for Helio R. and Almu S.
We have taken several weeks of Hypnobirthing classes in preparation for our child’s birth. We respectfully request your assistance in achieving the following goals assuming the health and safety of Almu and our baby allow.
- To return home if less than 5cm dilated/ if no other situations warrant admission
- To have Helio, Almu’s mother (Almudena) and birth companion (Carol) present
- Take pictures of labor and birth
During Labor
- Completely natural delivery with no medical intervention or drugs
- Time to labor and plenty of privacy (refrain from references to “hard labor” etc)
- To have quiet room, dim lights and music (own CD player)
- To maintain membranes intact unless there is medical necessity to rupture
- To be free of blood pressure cuff between readings
- No internal monitoring/ intermittent external monitoring or Doppler only
- To be able to take nutritional snacking and drinks
- Freedom to walk and move and assume labor position of choice
- Minimal number of vaginal exams –with permission-
- No augmentation of labor via Pitocin or amniotomy without discussion
- No offer or suggestion of anesthetics or analgesics unless requested
During Birthing
- No directed pushing
- To assume a birthing position of choice
- Perineal massage with oil
- Episiotomy only if medically necessary. Pressure episiotomy preferred
- No use of vacuum or forceps, unless assistance is medically necessary
Following Birthing
- Baby placed on Almu’s stomach immediately following birth for breastfeeding/bonding
- Helio will cut cord only after pulsation has ceased
- Delay use of Eyedrops and vitamin K to allow as much bonding as possible
- Separation of Almu and the baby only if absolutely necessary, in which case Helio is to stay with the baby
- Placenta allowed to expel naturally on its own accord
- Breastfeeding only. No bottles, formula, pacifier, artificial nipples or sugar water
- Please do not bathe the baby
- Helio and Almu wish to be consulted, and Helio’s permission obtained, before any intervention occurs (except in the case of life and death emergency)
- Should intervention be necessary, we still wish that as many conditions of the plan as possible be met
- Almu prefers a spinal or epidural to general anesthetic
- Helio’s support allowed to remain with me in the operating and recovery room in the event of a C-section
Oye, con tanta explicación se os ha olvidado decirles que le den un cachete a la baby cuando salga! a ver si se va a quedar sin aire y no hacen nadaaaa!!!!
Les habeis dicho lo que se tienen que poner? Bata blanca, etc...
:-) Teresa
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